Monday, October 7, 2019

What Are the Different Classifications Of A Data Center?

In appearance, a data center looks like an ordinary shed. In reality, it is a very complex infrastructure. This is the reason why they are classified according to different criteria and certifications.
Servers, storage systems, network switches, routers, firewalls, cables, physical racks ... Not to mention a power distribution system, an electrical switch, generators dedicated to backup, ventilation, and cooling system ...

In short, a datacenter is very complex machinery to master. For companies that invest in this type of project, it is vital to ensure that the installation will provide the level of performance and computing reliability that matches the business purpose. While the availability, data security, and the quality of services offered are critical, businesses must deliver a return on their investment.

This independent advisory body categorizes data centers into four tiers: TIER I, II, III, and IV. Each level takes the characteristics of the previous step, adding additional improvements. The goal is to assess the quality and reliability of data center hosting capabilities.

Tier I - "basic"

This level corresponds to a data center consisting of a single power supply, without any redundancy for infrastructure or air conditioning.

  • Availability rate: 99.671%.
  • An annual stop for maintenance.
Tier II - partial redundancy

Some power distribution components are redundant, but the electrical distribution path is not redundant. Planning maintenance operations on redundant components avoid any impact on the hardware.

  • Availability rate: 99.741%.
  • 22 hours (average) of interruption per year.
Tier III - concurrent maintenance

All components are redundant and multiple distribution paths exist, but only one is used (active/passive mode distribution). All computer equipment is dual powered.

  • Availability rate: 99.982%.
  • 1.6 hours (average) of interruption per year.

Tier IV - fault tolerance

There are several sources of food. Each system is redundant and physically compartmentalized. This datacenter automatically supports the unplanned shutdown of a component.

Continuous cooling: the room temperature is maintained even during an electrical break.

  • Availability rate: 99.995%.
  • 0.8 hour (average) interruption per year.

this the article was originally published on ------- read more

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